Wintertoernooi EN 2023 2024

BC Drop Shot - Winter Tournament

Your best run-up to a new year

On Saturday, December 30th, 2023 it's time for the traditional BC Drop Shot Winter Tournament. The Winter Tournament is your best resolution for a new year.

Swiss Ladder system
The tournament runs via the Swiss ladder system. This way you are guaranteed to play many more matches than the traditional system. Good for your rhythm. Due to the high number of registrations, you will see all your sports friends again. Ideal for burning off all those extra calories from festive December.

TIP: Register quickly because the Winter Tournament is booked full very quickly!


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Badminton AT Bc Drop shot

BC Drop Shot is a badminton club from The Hague, founded in 1947. Bc Drop Shot plays at the highest level while maintaining atmosphere and conviviality.

BC Drop Shot offers 7 days a week opportunities for youth, recreationists and competition players in The Hague and Ypenburg. BC Drop Shot provides training at all levels, offers many competition opportunities and events.

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More information about membership and / or the possibilities. Leave your details below without obligation. We will contact you.


BC Drop Shot plays at 3 locations. In Den Haag Mariahoeve - Haagse Hout. In Den Haag Ypenburg. In Den Haag Morgenstond-Sporthal Gaslaan.

Main location:
Sports center Mariahoeve
Het Kleine Loo 12
2592 CE The Hague

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