Badminton icon Robbie Kneefel has passed away
Badminton icon and long-time coach of BC Drop Shot has passed away
Badminton icon and long-time coach of BC Drop Shot has passed away
From the 2024-2025 season, the technical staff of BC Drop Shot will be strengthened by head coach Paul de Graaf. In view of the developments in the club, BC Drop Shot is investing in the next phase of quality within the club's technical policy.
The board of Badminton club Drop Shot announces that after a successful collaboration, the collaboration with coach and player Dicky Palyama has ended. Palyama, an icon within the Dutch badminton world, made a significant contribution to the club's growth and performance.
This summer, you're in for a treat at BC Drop Shot! In June, July, and August, you can enjoy summer badminton 4 evenings a week.
Kelly van Buiten also remains affiliated with BC Drop Shot. Eredivisie team almost complete!
“It can't get any crazier,” said our tournament director this morning. Our Badminton club Drop Shot has organized its 11th edition of the Grand Prix | Master Finals tournament has already attracted 288 players, which means we will play more than 515 matches in one weekend. An absolute record!
Team 4 has definitively qualified for the final day of the Dataweb Badminton Cup 2024 on May 1. On Saturday, May 18, eight teams in two different categories will compete for the coveted cup at BC Drop Shot in The Hague!
April is a great month for BC Drop Shot. Iris van Leijsen also signs for another season.
BC Drop Shot is een Haagse badmintonclub, opgericht in 1947. Bc Drop Shot speelt op allerhoogste niveau met behoud van sfeer en gezelligheid.
BC Drop Shot biedt 7 dagen per week mogelijkheden voor jeugd, recreanten en competitiespelers in Den Haag en Ypenburg. BC Drop Shot verzorgt trainingen op alle niveaus, biedt veel wedstrijdmogelijkheden en evenementen.
Meer informatie over het lidmaatschap en/of de mogelijkheden. Laat je gegevens hieronder vrijblijvend achter. We nemen contact met je op.
BC Drop Shot speelt op 3 locaties.
Sportcentrum Mariahoeve
Het Kleine Loo 12
2592 CE Den Haag
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