About dynamism and pride


Welcome to this ALV. We have two ALVs per year. This, usually at the beginning of a year, has the Annual Accounts as its subject. The other in the summer more on the policy and budget side. That ALV looks forward, this ALV looks back and to season 2021-2022. It's good that you're here because as you know, the members are the highest body within an association.

Looking back
Well look back then. Season 2021-2022 started positively after a miserable covid year. In the ALV we also decided to give a contribution compensation for those members who appreciated it. Then winter set in and it was that time again. From Nov. 2021- Feb. 2022 yet again (partial) lock down due to Covid. At the time, as you may remember, the hall closed at 5 p.m. That meant that almost our entire program could not continue.

Morning workouts
Creative as we are, morning workouts are organized. Initially I thought that no one would be crazy enough to train so early, but the opposite turned out to be true. Not only were training sessions well attended, there were also significantly less cancellations. Eventually everything was closed unfortunately.

Good performances
The competition was also halted and later resumed. We played through the competition until the end of March 2022. Team 1 lost to last year's Dutch champion BC Duinwijck, in the semifinals. Team 3 became very convincing champion and realized the connection by promoting to the 1st division.
Team 10 also became champions. It was a very positive season performance-wise. No team was relegated. Also special to report. We came out with no less than 11 teams and 2 men's teams. Total 13 teams. Not many associations do that.

Playing longer also meant something extra for hiring and had more consequences for income. The Covid measures naturally also threw a spanner in the works of our traditional very well-attended winter tournament (as an indication, last Saturday's 2023 edition had 288 registrations). let pass through.
In addition, dozens of training sessions have been provided and a sea of sweat drops has emerged and hopefully washed away again.

When I was just about summarizing it all in preparation for the ALV, I realized how much dynamics there is within the club. I was overcome with a sense of pride. That we as a club have achieved this again with and for each other. Very nice to be part of this and help to give direction.

There are concerns. We see the price of shuttles rising sharply. We even now see an energy fee on shuttles. The room rent is still at the same level, but the energy price will soon rise sharply. Will sports clubs be compensated? Inflation is high what consequences will that have. We keep a close eye on developments. It's up to all of us to be frugal during this time. Be especially careful with shuttles. As a club member you have the most influence on that.

To conclude, a first step on agenda item 6. We have a very pleasantly functioning board team (if I do say so myself). Nevertheless, Roos Beerkens has indicated that he is leaving us. Not because of the team, but yes that always exciting balance between private and club commitment. We certainly understand her choice, but we will miss her within our team.

But “every disadvantage has its advantage”, an Amsterdam football philosopher once said. We have very cool things to do in the short and long term. We are not looking for a master's degree in accounting, but rather an administratively oriented treasurer. Directions in policy always have to do with the tokens. You find numbers linked to policy choices fun and challenging! You have an important and often even a decisive role in the board.

An extra advantage at our club is that you are not alone. Lisette is your left and right hand and Arjen Eerden puts all his knowledge and expertise at your disposal for the correct processing. And the board bears the chosen and approved policy together, of course

So we are looking for a treasurer who likes to think about directions in a super active club where a lot is happening. Who has ideas and is positively critical. He looks for possibilities and at the same time monitors the financial balance. So we're looking for you!

Badminton bij Bc Drop shot

BC Drop Shot is een Haagse badmintonclub, opgericht in 1947. Bc Drop Shot speelt op allerhoogste niveau met behoud van sfeer en gezelligheid.

BC Drop Shot biedt 7 dagen per week mogelijkheden voor jeugd, recreanten en competitiespelers in Den Haag en Ypenburg. BC Drop Shot verzorgt trainingen op alle niveaus, biedt veel wedstrijdmogelijkheden en evenementen.

Aanvraag informatie lidmaatschap

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BC Drop Shot speelt op 3 locaties.

Sportcentrum Mariahoeve
Het Kleine Loo 12
2592 CE  Den Haag


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